Leader vs Manager: Main Factors That Sets a Leader Apart From a Manager

Leaders and managers are often used interchangeably. However, you must know that becoming a leader is quite different from becoming a manager. If your career advancement goals include becoming a leader or manager in your company, you must know the differences between them. The two roles do have some commonalities. However, there are several differences that you must know about. So, to help you, we have come up with this guide on the differences between a leader and a manager. This blog delves deep into the specific skills and traits required for each role. So, start reading below to learn about the distinctions between a manager and a leader.

Who is a Leader?

Leader- the term gets used every now and then. However, it rarely gets used at the right time and for the right role. Its casual usage is a major reason for its confusion with other management-related roles. However, being a leader is much more than just managing people. Leadership refers to being the motivating force for the people and inspiring them to join in pursuit of a common objective. If you are a true leader, the people in your team will follow you because they get inspired by you and not because they ought to do so because of your power. 

Leaders stay focused on the big picture of an objective as they rely on a visionary approach to set and achieve goals. These individuals challenge the expectations and norms and stay focused on solving the right problems for their organization. Unlike managers, leaders stay focused on how objectives are met. They think out of the box to create innovative strategies that drive an organization’s activities.

What are the Traits of a Good Leader?

A good leader possesses numerous qualities and skills. However, we have listed the most significant ones of these skills and traits below. 

  • Innovation

    • Leaders use their innovativeness to impact the business world. Their ability to push boundaries and creativity allows them to drive innovation and bring changes in the practices that are no longer effective. A successful leader is one who is committed to innovation and always keeps searching for the next great idea.

  • Motivation and Inspiration

    • The most important trait of a successful leader is the ability to motivate and inspire others to follow them. To possess this trait, a leader is required to have numerous skills, like effective communication skills, to earn the trust of the followers. 

  • Great Communication

    • Leaders need to possess excellent communication skills. It is essential to help them effectively convey their vision to others. Now, this does not mean that every author must be a master of the dictionary. It simply means that a leader must be able to clearly convey their visions to others and inspire them to follow. 

  • Vision

    • Leaders focus on the big picture. This helps them to stay clear about their vision for their organization. They also help others to understand their vision to collectively achieve the goals. An effective leader clearly communicates with others to earn their trust and loyalty.

Who is a Manager?

Management is quite different from leadership. It is the art of organizing and coordinating people and resources to ensure that the vision and mission of the leaders of the organization become a reality. Managers do not focus on the big picture. Instead, they focus on day-to-day tasks that help their organization achieve broader goals. 

Managers are more focused on how things get done. Their role in a company is to implement strategies created by leaders. They direct every available resource of the company to achieve its goals. A manager’s role does not only include managing people. But it also includes managing raw materials and tools. These individuals have the ability to understand the capabilities and personalities of each member of their team to effectively use their capabilities to meet deadlines and achieve performance goals.

What are the Traits of a Good Manager?

Some of the most significant traits and skills of a good manager are listed below. 

  • Organization

    • Managers are responsible for organizing the company's resources for better productivity. They organize the work and roles of individuals in a way that makes achieving goals easier and more efficient. Organizational skills are an absolute necessity for a manager to ensure efficient workflow.

  • Delegation

    • Another trait of a manager is delegation. They use delegation to expand their influence and reach. Managers have so many responsibilities in a day. They delegate some of these responsibilities to their team members for effective management and to expand their managerial reach.

  • Planning

    • Effective planning is another essential trait that a good manager must possess. Leaders create broad strategies that are planned by the managers for effective execution. These individuals turn broad strategies into detailed plans to determine the right ways to implement a strategy.

  • Empathy

    • Managers must also be empathetic if they want their team members to follow them. They must have the ability to understand what their employees are feeling and thinking. It is a tricky endeavor. However, it is quite essential to show empathy towards your team members to build a connection that encourages them to follow you.

Differences Between a Leader and a Manager

There are four core differences between a leader and a manager. 

  1. Leaders create visions; managers execute them

  2. Leaders focus on what and why; managers focus on how and when

  3. Leaders rely on influence; managers rely on control

  4. Leaders challenge the status quo; managers work within it

Also Read: Lessons in Leadership: Embracing Balinese Wisdom in Modern Leadership

The role, traits, and skills are all different for a leader and a manager. We hope this detailed guide has helped you learn the difference between a leader and a manager. So, if you are nearing your career advancement in your company, think thoroughly about what you wish to become- a leader or a manager. Abroad can help you gain the best skills and traits of a leader. So, join our leadership coaching program to become a better and more inspiring leader for your teammates.


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