Abroad Synergy Coaching Platform™

Blended coaching and learning solutions for every level of your organization, powered by wisdom, science, and technology. 

Meet the Synergy Coaching Platform™

At Abroad, we see people excelling individually but struggling as teams. People leaders are stretched thin with disjointed solutions. That’s why we created the Abroad Synergy Coaching Platform—to help your people grow both individually and collectively at every level of the organization, aligned with your business objectives. Our platform ensures your team plays their instruments well and conducts a beautiful symphony where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Human Coaching & Technology

Aligned & Integrated with Org Objectives

Built on Human & Team Connection

Inspiring Entrepreneurial & Innovation Mindsets

Seamless Impact Measurement

A Stunning Digital Platform with a Human Touch

Human Coaching & Technology

At Abroad, we carefully select exceptional coaches worldwide, balancing practical experience with transformational presence. Our coaching sessions, both individual and group, are enhanced by a digital platform featuring analytics, 360-degree feedback, custom growth plans, AI insights, and accessible digital learning content. By blending human expertise with advanced technology, we empower your people to reach their potential while staying balanced and well.

Our holistic approach ensures that coaching is not just effective but also fosters long-term growth and well-being for your team members.

Like a music conductor that subtly brings a masterpiece to life, our Abroad coaches work with every member of the team to unlock each person’s genius, and ultimately, bring everyone together. To build high-performing teams, Abroad cleverly combines the needs for professional growth with team cohesion to unlock organizational potential.

Philippe Buron

CTO Duco and Former CIO, BNP Paribas

Aligned & Integrated with Organizational Objectives

Point to a North Star and Speak the Same Language

Abroad’s Synergy Coaching Platform provides scalable and affordable coaching solutions for your people to grow individually and collectively at all levels of your organization. Our platform and coaches help your leaders align everyone’s growth with your organization’s purpose, values, and business objectives. By fostering this strategic mindset, we unlock the power of synergy, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

By integrating personalized development with strategic alignment, we cultivate a culture of continuous improvement, where each individual’s growth contributes to collective organizational success.

Building Human Connections & Strong Teams

High-performing individuals will only take you so far

It all starts with human connection. In an always-on global work culture, people often feel siloed, stressed, and burned out. Most coaching solutions focus on individual performance. At Abroad, we go further by integrating wisdom-infused coaching circles and team development into all our programs. This helps build cultures of connection, cohesion, and group flow, ensuring your team thrives collectively.

Our approach fosters resilience, creativity, and collaboration, ensuring that your team members feel supported and energized, ready to tackle challenges together.

Individual commitment to a group effort—that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, and a civilization work.

Vince Lombardi

In the Age of AI and disruption, unlock an entrepreneurial mindset

Cultivating Innovation Mindsets

Organizations today face immense challenges in adapting to rapid change. Fortunately, Abroad’s platform and coaching, infused with entrepreneurial DNA, is backed by a decade of research and experience coaching thousands of visionary entrepreneurs and executives worldwide. Our goal is to help your leaders and people generate innovative ideas, become more imaginative, and embrace an innovation mindset—essential for thriving amid technological disruption.

We equip your leaders with the tools and mindset to navigate complexity, driving innovation and adaptability across your entire organization.

In my 30 years as an executive, Abroad’s leadership development programs are among the best I’ve seen.

Marty Chuck

Managing Director CXO’s and Former CIO Electronic Arts

Quantitative and qualitative insights to demonstrate ROI

Achieve Seamless Impact Measurement

If you cannot measure it, it doesn’t matter. Scientifically measure the impact of our integrated coaching programs. Seamlessly connect the dots between your data and Abroad’s proprietary assessments, combining human and AI insights to ensure alignment with your business strategy and organizational objectives.

This data-driven approach enables precise tracking of progress, ensuring that every coaching interaction contributes to your strategic goals and overall success.

Over 9 months of insights and a control group study on Abroad’s leadership and well-being program during hyper-growth, we found that participants were 50% less likely to turnover compared to their peers.

Demetrice Tillman

Chief People Officer, Cityblock Health

Abroad Coaching Solutions

Unlock individual and collective performance with an integrated, aligned, and measurable coaching solution.

Abroad Circles

Wisdom-powered, coach-facilitated peer groups to enhance team connection and performance.

Abroad Manage

Individual coaching and circles to develop core managerial competencies and unlock team potential.

Abroad Lead

Individual coaching and circles for directors and VPs to lead divisional and organizational execution.

Abroad Exec

Executive coaching to achieve breakthroughs and guide strategic outcomes.

Explore Abroad Synergy Coaching

A demo is the first step to transforming your people and organization. Meet with us to develop a plan to attain your goals.